Sunday 11 November 2007

Pictures of Wu An Zun Wang (武安尊王)

Wu An Zun Wang (武安尊王) aka Du Tian Da Di (都天大帝) or Bao Yi Zun Wang (保儀尊王) or Duke Zhang (張府千歲), real name known as Zhang Xun (張巡), born in Tang Dynasty, Emperor Zhong Zong Period (AD708) 生于唐朝中宗年間. Hometown in Shan Xi Province, Yong Ji Area (家鄉於山西省永濟).

AD 713 Zhang Xun passed his Imperial Examination and was appointed as one of the Officers to assist the Prince in studying till AD 741 (任職太子通事舍人).

AD 742, Zhang Xun was being appointed to be the Magistrate Officer for He Bei Province, Qing He Area (被派任為河北省清河縣令). During his servicing period in Qing He Area, he accumulated a number of credits and merits by assisting the needy and getting rid of all betrayers and bullies.

AD755, Zhang Xun retired from his post and returned back to the Capital (職滿還朝). During this period, Emperor Xuan Zong’s (唐玄宗) beloved concubine Yang Yu Huan’s (楊貴妃之兄) brother Yang Guo Zhong (楊國忠) was the one who was being appointed by Emperor Xuan Zong to look after all issues in the Imperial Court. And so, a lot of Officers who wanted to get promoted and increment would have to bride Yang Guo Zhong.

One day, one of Zhang Xun’s colleagues suggested to him to bride Yang Guo Zhong in-order to get a much higher post, but Zhang Xun refused, immediately after knowing that Zhang Xun refused, Yang Guo Zhong got the news and soon after, Yang Guo Zhong outcast Zhang Xun from the Imperial Court.

Soon, An Lu Shan (安祿山), the barbarian Officer in the Tang Imperial Court, tried to over-throw Emperor Xuan Zong, and so, Zhang Xun was being summoned back to fight against the invaders.

AD 757, while fighting against the invaders, Zhang Xun was being trapped in an area, without any methods of escaped, he had to send a request petition to the General In-charge for assistances.

But due to the General In-charge was one of the members who outcast Zhang Xun for not paying respect to Yang Guo Zhong, he refused to release any armies to assist Zhang Xun and so, Zhang Xun had to fight his way out from the barriers set by the invaders.

AD 757, 9th Day of Lunar 10 Month (農曆十月初九日), Zhang Xun sacrificed himself while fighting against the invaders and the Generals that followed his footsteps, such as Xu Yuan (許遠 - 許府千歲), Nan Qi Yun (南齊雲 - 南府千歲) and Lei Wan Chun (雷萬春 - 雷府千歲) were also being killed.

From then, the four of them were being respected by the folks as Deities and after their death, their souls were being summoned to the Celestial Palace (天庭) and each of them was given an Official Title (上天敕封).


  1. Thanks... now I know about him.

    In Phuket we usually called him '張府王爺'

  2. Yup, in other areas such as China, Hong Kong and some part of Taiwan, folks tend to address him as Zhang Fu Wang Ye.

  3. New pics added (zhangxun_new19022009_01.jpg - zhangxun_new19022009_05.jpg)

  4. Are there any pictures or images of General Lei Wan Chun (雷萬春 - 雷府千歲).
    I'm one of his direct descendents.
    Ronald Louie

  5. Will try to post some soon. Do keep a close look out.


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