Saturday 10 November 2007

Pictures of Guang Li Zun Wang (廣利尊王)

Guang Li Zun Wang (廣利尊王) aka Duke Tao (陶王爺), born in Tang Dynasty (生于唐朝年間). Due to he’s a businessmen who trade around Hokkien Province and Guang Zhou Province (經商與福建及廣東一代), after his death, only Hokkien and Cantonese Clan folks pay respect to him as a Deity (死後亦成閩廣所祭祀之神祗).

According to records, Guang Li Zun Wang was a upright and helpful person who always assist the needy whenever the needy caught in troubles or un-solvable issues.

One day while he was in Quan Zhou Area (泉州市) to do his business, he saw 2 strange looking beings walking around in one town, curiosity raise, Guang Li Zun Wang followed them and soon, they stopped in-front of a well, upon stopping, one of the being took out a little paper wrapping and un-wrapped it, just at the point of pouring some white stuff into the well, Guang Li Zun Wang stepped forward and snatched the wrapping from the beings.

The beings were shocked and Guang Li Zun Wang started to question them on what's inside the wrapping, due to the way Guang Li Zun Wang questioned them, the beings were scare-off and answered Guang Li Zun Wang – actually they were assistants of a Heavenly Deity who was being appointed to spread diseases in this town, cos the people in the town had done a lot of nasty stuffs which Heaven wanted to punish them.

After knowing that the stuff in the wrapping was poison, without considering the consequences, Guang Li Zun Wang swallowed all the white stuffs, immediately, Guang Li Zun Wang was poisoned to death.

Upon knowing the braveness of Guang Li Zun Wang, Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) summoned him to the Celestial Palace (天庭) and bestowed him with the title.

From then, the Quan Zhou folks respected him for his kindness and braveness of saving the whole town, and so, they built a temple dedicated to him, till today, in Quan Zhou Area, Gui Yan town (龜巖), you still able to see the temple.

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