Monday 22 October 2007

Pictures of Marshal Gao Yuan (三十六天將之金闕監生高元帥)

Gao Yuan Shuai aka Marshal Gao (高元帥), real name known as Gao Yuan (高原/高員), born in Sui Tang Dynasty (生于隋唐), the Imperial Consort (Husband of Princess Yu Sheng 為隋唐玉盛公主附馬).

In records, Marshal Gao was being forced to kill himself after Emperor Sui Yang (隋煬帝) suspect (by hearsay) on him of wanted to plot murdering the Emperor.

After Marshal Gao killed himself, his soul was being led to the Hade (冥府), on the way to the Hade, the soul-grabbers (勾魂使者) knew that Marshal Gao was actually a Heavenly Deity (天界仙真) who came down to the Mortal World for reborn (凡間投胎), so they delayed the task, just as they were to enter into the Gate of Hade, Xuan Tian Shang Di (玄天上帝) arrived. After doing several checking, Xuan Tian Shang Di knew that Marshal Gao was actually a manifestation of Lord Emperor Zi Wei (紫微帝君化身) and so, Xuan Tian Shang Di brought Marshal Gao’s soul to see Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝).

Upon reaching the Celestial Palace (天庭) and meeting with Jade Emperor, Marshal Gao was being bestowed with the title of Jiu Tian Jin Que Jian Sheng Jin Pen Song Zi Gao Yuan Shuai 九天金闕監生金盆送子高元帥 (meaning he's one of the Marshals that are being appointed to escort new born babies' souls to the predestinated families for reborn) - Gao Yuan Shuai always holds on to a Golden Plate or Bowl, which the Yuan Shen (元神) of the Child to be Born will be kept inside.

For High Res Pics, please proceed to this link:


  1. 高元帥寶誥
    Gao Yuan Shuai Bao Gao

    Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

    Zi Wei Chen Ji, Tai Yi Yuan Jing

    Jue Tuo Cang Lin, Yu Yao Shi Er Dian Hua

    Mi Chuan Dan Ding, Huo Ren Shou Yi An Quan

    Zhong Fu Chao En, Ji Feng Shang Ming

    Cheng Hun Yuan Zhi Bao Zou

    Chao Yu Xiang Shi Bao Ying

    Chi Jin Pen Yin Yang Zhang Yu

    Chi Bao Jian Nan Nv Fen Tai

    Ying Guan Tian RI Wei Zao Ming

    Bao Bao Ying Hai Er Pei En

    Da Ren Da De, Zhi Ying Zhi Lie

    Yu Feng Jiu Tian Xi Lin

    Jian Sheng Jin Pen Song Zi Gao Yuan Shuai

  2. Shi Fu,is he one of the 6 Taoist Heavenly Generals.........what is the difference between between 元帥 and 天君? Apologise to ask maybe a simple question,just want to get it right........sp

  3. Actually they got no differences, the titles are to differentiate where and when they belongs to.

    For Tian Jun, usually we will only address them when they are being put together in the 6 Tian Jun groups, whereas Yuan Shuai or Tian Jiang will be while they are in the 36 Heavenly Generals Group, etc.

  4. Shi Fu.......ooh! now I understand better.....I again open up my meaning when they are alone they will just be a 将軍 ....hopfully I'm right on this...thanks.

  5. Can say so, when they alone or as a form of addressing, we can call them Jiang Jun, Yuan Shuai or Tian Jun.

  6. Shi Fu....i thought this is Zhu Shen Niang Niang role? but Gao Yuan Shuai also involved?...regards,sp

  7. Yes, Marshal Gao is involved in the giving of birth and protecting of Babies.

    In the past, I did explain to you on how the system works, you forgotten?

  8. New Pics added (gaoyuanshuai_new30062009_01.jpg - gaoyuanshuai_new30062009_02.jpg)


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