Monday 27 August 2007

Pictures of The 12 Lords of Lunar Horoscope (十二元辰真君)

The 12 Lords of Lunar Horoscope aka The 12 Lords of the Lunar Hours, in Chinese we addressed them as 十二元辰真君 (Shi Er Yuan Chen Zhen Jun) or 十二元辰星君 (Shi Er Yuan Chen Xing Jun).

They are appointed as the Celestial Inspectors of the different Lunar Hours and also look into the Luck & Future of each individual Lunar Zodiac.

In Taoism, besides paying respect to the Seven Northern Dippers (北斗七元君) or the Nine Emperors (九皇賜福星君) for Protection for the different Lunar Horoscopes, Taoists will also pay respect to these 12 Lords for protection/blessings.


  1. Heres another set of Scroll Painting of the 12 Lords of Lunar Horoscope. (25.jpg - 26.jpg)

    Such scrolls will be used during Rituals/Ceremonies for changing of luck or blessing-enhancement for different ages, etc.

  2. Thanks Shifu, can they be prayed on by ordinary people? If yes is it okay to be put in altar for respect?

    During when will rituals use for changing luck occur? Does it have specific dates or according to the spiritual observation of the shifu?

    Thanks a lot.

  3. Usually normal housing wont dedicate altars to them, only big celebrations, rituals or ceremonies, then they are invited.

    Usually end of year or starting of a new year, rituals that involved in changing of luck for the mortals, these deities will be invited... but nowsdays, alot of rituals/ceremonies are being "short-cut" and so... seldom or rarely seen them being evoked.

  4. Oh so sorry to hear that many rites now are being short-cut. It will definitely affect us right?

  5. Yup, definitely it will affect the promoting of the upright culture of Taoism.

    20 years from now, alot of the teachings will be gone, so, we do need to do something to bring back the upright teachings and skills.

  6. Shifu yes I totally agree with you. Good spiritual observation shifu.

  7. All these are being recorded, just that not much people pay attention on that or people are totally ignorant on our Taoist Teaching.

  8. Its recorded that in 20 years our teachings will be mostly gone?

  9. Over the 100 years.

    So in between this 100 years, a certain percentage of Spiritual Teachings will be gone and then slowly, the important part of the Spiritual Skills will decrease to the lowest and then, negative energies will over-take certain authorities, and by that time, if no one has the upright skills or teachings, alot of sufferings will just pop-up and normal salvation wont be able to help.

  10. Whoa, do you have some plan to avert this incoming issue shifu?

  11. Its the plan being passed down by Lord Long Yi.

    This is why, we are here :P

  12. Am I important in the equation shifu??? hahaha

  13. You told : "This is why, we are here :P"

    Am I included in the "we" there? Hahahaha

    If yes then it I will know for sure that I have done the best and will strive more so as not to let the group down. If not then at least i don't have the heavy burden------ Can I join the burden then! I don't mind working for the benefit of all, Thats why i've been called stupid plenty of times. HAHAHAHA

  14. Hahahahaa.. the plans that Lord Long Yi passed down is hidden inside the Lineage Names. All disciples of Long Shan Men are being included... and so, do you think you can escape from that?

  15. I have the same name as Lord Long Yi hahaha. I think even if I want to escape I can't. Hahaha surely the brat Cerwin won't escape this either. hahaha.

    Shifu I'll be more diligent from now on.

  16. Hahahahaha... in Taoism, we just need to do what we are being taught and bestowed with.. do not force when there is a no-need-to-do involve.

    Cultivation, Salvation and Enlightenment are 3 things that in Religious World that cannot be forced... and so, let the nature take its course.

  17. Very much well-said shifu. Thank you very much.

  18. New pics added, these are not the 12 Lords, but the 12 Protectors of the Lunar Horoscopes:

    (12_01zi.jpg - 12_12hai.jpg)


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