Monday 27 August 2007

Di Guan Da Di (三界公之地官大帝)



(Di Guan Da Di – One of the Three Lords of the Three Realms)




Di Guan Da Di aka Zhong Yuan Er Pin She Zhui Di Guan Qing Xu Da Di, which is one of the high-ranking Deities among all the other Taoist Deities in the Deities System.


Di Guan Da Di will performe his tasks under the supervision of Shang Qing Palace, which is under Ling Bao Tian Zun.


Main task of him will be, to look after the issues that are associated with all the movements of Mountains/Hills/Earth, Immortals and of course, the Mortals that are being involved.




On every 15th Day of the Lunar 7th Month, Di Guan Da Di will visit the Mortal World to do inspection on the Mortals’ Good and Bad doings.


For Mortals who have done a lot of credits, they will usually be rewarded by Di Guan Da Di by clearing-off their minor bad-doings that they had done in the past and the names of the Evil-doing Mortals will be recorded and they will be punished accordingly to their sins after they had left this World.




And according to some records, the Di Guan that we seen today is actually the manifestation of the initial Di Guan as Da Shun – one of Five Ancient Emperors in our Ancient Chinese History.


Emperor Da Shun, the main character that appeared in the first story of the 24 Filial Piety Record.


Emperor Da Shun is also known as the Ancestor of the Tan Clan.




  1. bro ppls enlight me on 中元地宫大帝 and 赦罪清虎大帝

  2. Zhong Yuan Di Guan Da Di and She Zhui Qing Xu Da Di are 2 official titles of Di Guan Da Di.

    Due to the Three Emperor Lords are being appointed to look after the 3 important Lunar Festive Day in our Chinese Calendar, so their titles are given accordingly.... such as

    Shang Yuan which is 15 of 1 Month
    Zhong Yuan which is 15 of 7 Month
    Xia Yuan which is 15 of 10 Month.

    As for She Zhui Qing Xu.. Di Guan Da Di's duty or one of his tasks is to eliminate the un-necessary sins of the Mortals or those who sincerely turn-over-a-new-leaf, Di Guan Da Di will delete their sins & debts accordingly.


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