Friday 13 July 2007

What are the things that we don’t do to our Chinese Religious Scriptures or Articles?

What are the things that we don’t do to our Chinese Religious Scriptures or Articles?

Due to the time has changed and in-order to allow the new generation followers to understand what our Chinese Religions are all about, a lot of people (or groups) are doing the following actions to our Scriptures or Articles (can be Ancient or can be notes by Masters):

1) Doing different languages translation to certain Scriptures or Articles
2) Providing explanations or details on certain sentences
3) Adding in personal feelings and comments on certain sections, etc

Are these correct or acceptable?

From what I have learnt from my past Masters, actually all these are not allowed or can said is forbidden to do so.

But again, due to the time has changed and in-order to allow our Chinese Religions to move on to another further stage and allowing the Knowledge to spread to more people, I think, even we have to face Heavenly Punishments, we have to break certain rules and regulations -> this is the Spirit of Knowledge Sharing.

Again, only to a certain standard (not the 3rd Point stated above).


During the translation to different languages, certain meaning or the hidden messages will be lost.

Different translators have different views or understanding on one sentence or section, some translation (due to personal view) may or may-not mislead the others.

After translation being done for the targeted-audience (may not be Chinese), will tend to treat it as a normal book or article, after reading, misplace it or using it as a fighting-weapon on the Chinese Religions.


  1. Yes that's true. I agree with you. If you translate it, you'll lost the essence of it purpose. There's also a lot of translations that missleeding whose read it.

  2. The translation is more or less for easy reference only and cannot be treated as a substitute of the real scriptures or articles!


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