Saturday 24 March 2007

Taoism Spiritual Weapons Introduction (道教法器簡介)

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名稱: 奉旨令牌

特色: 奉旨令牌專管陰陽鬼神,若召神時,即能封神晉升。若召鬼魂時,亦能奉旨於鬼魂投胎轉生。但必須具備官侯資格之道士,方能守持奉旨敕封鬼神。

Name: Feng Zi (Announcement Block, in Hokkien: Hong Ji)

Usage: Used for the controlling of Deities and Spirits. Can be used to appoint tasks to Deities or Spirits. Once this Annoucement Block is in one person's hand, he is authorised with the Celestial Power of summoning Deities and Spirits to work for him/her.

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名稱: 總召萬靈令牌

特色: 道教三清調召萬靈之牌令,雕刻於五雷令牌之後,為超渡靈魂時,作為召告的令牌。

Name: Zhao Wan Ling (Summoning of ALL Beings)

Usage: Used to summon all forms of Beings (Heavenly, Hell, etc). Used during the Rituals of Savaging the death and so.

Usually come together with the "Five Thunder Summon".

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特色: 天蓬尺為天蓬元帥掌管令,賜尺度人,守持不怠與決令行,其它亦有二十八宿、南斗圖形、祖師金鼎妙化真人敕令地司太歲殷元帥部領麾下收妖文字。

Name: Tian Peng Chi

Usage: Own by Heavenly General Tian Peng. Used to gauge on a person's good or bad.

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名稱: 打鬼棒

特色: 道教法器棒上雕刻著打邪滅巫朱元帥、行刑拷鬼孟元帥。主要功能是滅除邪行巫師及拷打鬼魅。

Name: Da Gui Bang (Rod for beating Ghosts)

Usage: Used to get rid of Evil Spirits by Masters. Belongs to Heavenly General Zhu and General Meng
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名稱: 五雷令

特色: 道教三清雷部令,作為號令鬼神的令牌。

Name: Wu Lei Ling (Five Thunder Summoning)

Usage: Belongs to the San Qing Thunder Section. Used to summon different forms of Deities and Spirits.


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