Thursday 15 March 2007

Another version of Gan Tian Da Di

Qing Ming Festival – remembrance of Jie Zi Tui (Teochew Gan Tian Da Di)


Qing Ming, not only a day for visiting Ancestors’ tombs but also, to remembrance a famous historical character ~ Jie Zi Tui.


After Jie Zi Tui being burnt to death at Mian Shan, he was given a title of “Gan Tian Da Di” (for the Teochew Clan) – in-charge of local grains/wheats and domestic animals.


So from here, we can see that actually for Gan Tian Da Di, there’s 2 versions (the other version is Xu Xun).





Extracted from: 潮汕信仰习俗


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